Sunday, December 19, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

He's Eight!

What's happened to this little guy?

He eats his vegetables like a good boy and is growing like a weed! No more chubby cheeks and he's grown a little taller!

Today is Isaac's eight "happy birthday to him." I love that he still calls it that! He also told me that he is growing into a man and that he will do amazing things in his life, like give money to the poor and be an astronaut....or maybe a hamburger cooker guy.
He cracks me up! If there's one thing I can say for Isaac, it's that he is one funny little man! He makes me laugh everyday! He's thoughtful and sweet, brave and wise beyond his years. I don't know what we'd do without him in our family! He sure is patient with those sassy sisters of his! There's nothing he wouldn't do for them!
Yesterday Isaac had a family birthday party with his Grandma Diane (we won't say how old she is, I don't want to get in trouble!)He was sure Isaac about all those people showing up just to "celebrate him being borned." We really do try to work on his grammar, but I must admit I love his way with words!
*Pics of the party to follow*